Nuts & Bolts of Adding Medicaid Planning to Your Practice (9 CLE HRS)
Course Syllabus
S ession 1: What is Medicaid Long-term Care?
History of Long Term Care Medicaid/Medi-Cal.
Institutional Care v HCBS and Waiver Services
Medicare v Medicaid
Critical Stages of Medicaid Planning
Medicaid Qualification
Who is eligible to apply
When to file an application
Medicaid Long Term Care Source of Law
Federal Program Run by the States
Federal Authorizing Statute
State Authorizing Statute and State Plan
State Regulations and State Eligibility Handbook/Manual
Basic Asset Eligibility Philosophy
Session 2: Understanding Medicaid Eligibility Rules and Procedures
Planning Stages and Methodology
Establishing an intake system and organizational base
Critical dates in a Medi-Cal Planning case
Categorizing Assets
Resource Allowances
Two Married Couples in Facility
Community Spouse
Calculating the Spenddown
Single Spenddown
Marital Spenddown with No Community Spouse
Community Spouse Spenddown
Common Mistakes and Helpful Error Margins
Home Equity Limit
Session 3: Divestment Penalties and Divestment Planning
What is a divestment?
Gifts and transfers
Less-than-fair-market-value test
What is the lookback?
Lookback planning from 1988 to present
Determining the lookback period
Global lookback issues
How to calculate a divestment penalty?
Identifying the divisor
Identifying the penalty start date
Calculating the penalty period
Divestments that Do Not Cause Penalties
Exempt Transfers
Transfers of Exempt Assets
Post-eligibility transfer issues
Creating intention divestment penalties?
Half-a-loaf gifting
Divestment as a planning too
Session 4: Additional Asset Protection Medi-Cal Eligibility Strategies
Basic Strategies
Shift Assets from Countable to Non-Countable
Home Equity
Primary Vehicle
Personal Property
Pre-Paid Funeral or Burial
Caregiver Agreements
Convert Assets to Income
Medi-Cal Compliant Annuity
Use of balloon annuities
Promissory Note
Gift and Wait
Gift and Apply
Long-Term Care Partnership Program Policies
Session 5: Income Eligibility
Income Cap state v. Non-Income Cap state
Medically needy pathway
Community Spouse Income Allowances
How the MMMNA works
Calculating the MMMNA
Planning strategies to increase spousal income allowance
Session 6: Applying For Medicaid
Preparing and filing the application
When to file
Where to file
How to file
Residency and citizenship
Office Actions
Request for Information
Annual review
Income adjustments
Post-eligibility issues
Duty to report
Post-eligibility assets
Change of Circumstances
Death of a community spouse
Undue hardship waivers for punitive divestments
Session 7: Advanced Advocacy
Fair Hearings
Office inaction
Correcting an approval error
Improper Denial
Filing the request
Representation at the hearing
State/Federal Court and Appellate Advocacy
Exhaustion of administrative remedies
Appeals available through state court
Concurrent jurisdiction of federal court
Session 8: Estate Recovery
Medicaid estate recovery rules
Scope of assets to be recovered from
Assets exempt from recovery
Use of undue hardship waivers
Methods to Reduce Recovery
Session 9: VA Aid and Attendance
Overview of Aid & Attendance
What is the Improved Pension
How much can a person receive
Who is eligible to apply
VA A&A terminology
Four Pillars of A&A Eligibility
Wartime Service
Medical Necessity
Net Worth Limits
Income For VA Purpose Calculation
Planning Strategies for VA A&A
No divestment penalties
Effect of divestment on future Medicaid eligibility
Non-divestable asset
VA-Compliant Annuities
Homestead exemption and sale issues
Application for VA Aid & Attendance
Intent to File and establishing a claim date
Application and application processing
Fee prohibition on charging
Medicaid and VA Aid & Attendance Harmonization
Uses of A&A to supplement Medicaidl Planning
Effect of Medicaid eligibility on VA benefit
Session 10: Practical Issues and Ethical Concerns
Multi-discipline approach to planning
Lawyers working with non-lawyers
Common fee structures
Marketing Medi-Cal Planning Services
Sales and uses of annuities
Certified Medicaid Planner designation